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Why is Joining Industry Associations Important as a Brand and Business Strategy?

By David Morgan, Co-Founder of SD Marketing

Why is Joining Industry Associations Important as a Brand and Business Strategy?

As an industry-specific marketing company, we receive many questions regarding the efficacy of joining and participating in security industry professional organizations, such as the Security Industry Association (SIA), Electronic Security Association (ESA), The Monitoring Association (TMA), and state associations as part of a successful brand and marketing strategy. Our answer to this is simple. Joining active, reputable, and leading organizations is essential to an overall brand and marketing strategy. Here are the top reasons why.

It Increases Visibility

Joining security industry associations helps organizations increase their visibility by allowing them to network with other members, participate in trade shows and events, and promote their brand through various channels. This exposure is critical to helping companies build their brand and establish themselves as thought leaders within the industry.

Best Practice: Be ready and willing to participate and share your knowledge.

It Boosts Credibility

One of the methodologies in marketing is using signals to communicate a brand’s credibility. Peers and consumers need to know three elements about your business when it comes to credibility:

  1. Credibility in knowledge and expertise.
  2. Credibility in the quality of products and services.
  3. Credibility in customer and personal service.

Being actively involved in the industry’s professional community boosts your credibility among peers and with consumers by immediately answering those things just by having an active relationship with the organization.

Best Practice: Share your involvement within the industry on your website and on social media.

Members Gain Security Industry Market Insights

Industry associations often have access to valuable market data and insights that can be extremely helpful for security industry organization looking to make informed business decisions. By participating in these associations, groups can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and industry developments, and gain a competitive advantage.

Best Practice: Use market data to help guide your marketing efforts.

Gain Access to Expertise

Security Industry associations brings together professionals from every facet of the industry, providing companies with the opportunity to connect with other experts and professionals who can provide them with valuable advice and support. Whether an organization is looking for help with a specific business challenge or simply seeking to expand its network of professional contacts, we are fortunate to have many highly respected associations that can provide them with access to a wealth of expertise and experience. Having this knowledge helps prospects to see the organization as an authority.

Best Practice: Demonstrate your gained knowledge online in authoritative articles.

It Demonstrates Professional Development

Industry organizations offer articles, webinars, reports, white papers, training, seminars, conferences, and certifications to keep its members current on the latest industry research, innovations, and trends. Joining an industry professional organization demonstrates the desire to stay ahead of industry changes for the benefit of its partners and end users.

Best Practice: Utilize all of the available training and resources. Share the acquired knowledge online.

Enjoy Collaboration and Networking

Joining industry associations provides companies with the opportunity to network and collaborate with other members, and build relationships with companies and individuals who can help them achieve their goals. Whether it’s sharing best practices, learning from others’ experiences, or forming strategic partnerships, the opportunities for collaboration and networking are endless.

Best Practice: Attend local events. Reach out to others in the industry community.

Reap the Benefits of Advocacy and Representation

Industry associations advocate for their members and represent their interests to key stakeholders, including government agencies, regulators, and the media. By participating in industry associations, security organizations can help shape the policies and regulations that impact their businesses and ensure their voices are heard.

Best Practice: Join in and lend your voice and expertise to help shape the industry’s future. Share your involvement on your website to increase credibility and authority.

It Indirectly Helps Increase Website Authority

One of the main objectives of any website is to gain traffic. When a potential customer searches “security systems near me,” the search engine sorts out the most reliable answers to the query based on the information each website provides. It uses many signals to rank the quality and authority of a website and then delivers the information. As a member of an industry organization, this translates into increased authority and, along with other signals, can help boost your ranking and visibility.

Best Practice: Link to industry associations from your website so search engine analytics can see
the relationship.

In conclusion, joining industry associations is a critical aspect of brand and business strategy that provides companies with a range of benefits. By participating in industry associations, security organizations can grow their businesses, expand their networks, and achieve their goals. Whether a company is just starting out or is looking to take its business to the next level, industry associations are an important tool for success.

David Morgan is a security marketing expert and Co-founder of SD Marketing, a marketing agency for the security industry.

This article originally appeared in Issue 5 of the Security Dealer Digest.

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